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The Boca Beacon of Boca Grande Florida


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The market is flooded with so many dog training schools, books, DVD’s and the internet and more…

With many people wanting to train their dogs the internet and the market has it all, or do they?
Let’s ask ourselves why we have chosen a specific avenue to use. If you are considering to go to a trainer and work with them, that’s a great choice. However you must be very diligent when choosing a trainer or training school. Are you looking to go to a treat oriented school, which is considered the reward method or a no nonsense dog training school. One is bribery the other is based on Alpha leadership and guidance. With the treat oriented method any dog will respond for the treat unless Fido isn’t food driven. It is a method which the dog becomes only responsive if a treat is offered. Yes it may do it a few times without the treat but then stops responding since there is no longer a treat (reward). That also applies towards ball or clicker training or any other…

The No Nonsense method is based on each individual dog’s character & temperament, as well as its environment. If you want a good trained dog then go with the No Nonsense training. This method involves you taking time to work with your dog to achieve goals, and your dog will see you as the Alpha leader. The mother dog teaches not by bribery but through corrections of unwanted behavior. Just like people; we have what’s called family with the head of the family being Dad & Mom & with dog’s family means Pack which consists of Alpha Male and Alpha female. When dogs or humans instill what is accepted and not tolerated harmony forms in the household. Hierarchy is achieved.
Some people will invest; in books, DVD’s or they go on line and that’s great but useless. These are generic methods sometimes it can work but most of the time it doesn’t.

Why? Very simple to answer; the books or DVD’s you buy doesn’t take in account your dogs age, sex, breed, environment as well as the character & temperament. The books or DVD’s are not designed to tell you which method to use or that would be suitable for your dog. Every dog is different and lots of variables play a role in it. Variable are infinite per case; maybe you have a dog that is shy, timid, fearful, dominant or dominant aggressive and the list goes on…

With a professional trainer they can asses which training method/sequence that would be best. Books or DVD’s can’t.
DVD’s, Books and all available sources is just a marketing scheme. However if your trainer that you see has books or videos/DVD’s then that’s great to invest in. Reason being you and the trainer are already using the method.

I can’t say enough times but owners MUST take the time and work with their dogs daily and follow the trainer’s instructions. Don’t listen to no one but your trainer; remember those that give advice have maybe in their life time trained a few dogs. A professional trainer has trained countless dogs in the hundreds to even thousands. Trainers have seen all sorts of behaviors and know the actions necessary to correct or modify.

Training isn’t hard as long as you are willing to put time and follow my formula to have success; Patience, Persistence, Consistency & Repetition.

If you still fail, it’s on you not your dog. You didn’t stick to the formula.

The internet is flooded with information; some are good and some are useless to stupid.
When you see dogs on the internet “You tube” that are doing amazing things, 98% of those people are the no nonsense professional trainers showing off their own dogs. Don’t ever compare your dog to another, every dog is different.


Have a woof woof of a month.


Harry Kalajian
M.D.T.  With over 35 years experience
All Aspect of training, Behaviorist, Ethologist & Psychologist
Executive Dog Training Inc.



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